Respiratory Protection
Our respiratory PPE helps filter a contaminated atmosphere, and the air-supplied respirator, safeguarding your people all day. Protects from fumes, vapors, gases and particulate matter such as dusts and airborne microorganisms.
Safety Masks
Please contact us for more information.
Reusable | Half-Face
Reusable | Full-Face
Please contact us for more information.
Safety Masks
Protection against dust and other airborne substances that could lead to serious respiratory problems and life-threatening illnesses.
Breathing Apparatus
Supplied air for where the atmosphere is not fit to be breathed, sustaining the user at all times.
Importance of Respiratory Protection
Respiratory PPE is designed to protect people against a wide variety of harmful airborne agents.
MacroVista offers businesses respiratory protection for users, preventing exposure to air that is contaminated with various substances such as dusts, fumes, gases, vapors. They protect users from inhaling deficient air when effective controls are not possible. More importantly, they can help prevent forms of occupational illnesses.
Respirators shall be considered and chosen on the basis of hazards to which the workers are heavily exposed. These can be viruses, particulates, oxygen deficiency or combination.