The world was taken by a huge surprise when Covid-19 infected millions of individuals and changed the course of our lives this year. After various research and numerous studies, health experts now believe that the best way to prevent any further outbreak is to detect it from a carrier as early as possible. Companies, hospitals, and even public places such as shopping malls are taking on a more proactive role in ensuring their environment is free of this virus. That makes human temperature screening a go-to device with the goal of reducing the transmission of pathogens through careful individual screening.
Increase Protection with Contactless human screening
Nursing a fever is considered a key indicator that one is suffering from a viral infection. People may not seem to be aware of this, and that makes it riskier for shopping mall owners, restaurants, apartments, or organizations depending on staff to come to work. The average body temperature among adults ranges from 36.5oC (97oF) to 37.5oC (99oF). If the temperature is raised to 37.5 (99.5oF) or 38oC, the person is detected with fever and must be isolated as quickly as possible to prevent from possible contaminations. Contactless laser thermometers have never become more essential in knowing who is potentially infected.
MVP’s Smart Access Control System is a contactless surveillance solution that can measure body temperatures efficiently but from a safe social distance. In a matter of seconds, the system detects a face using facial image recording to determine whether he or she is allowed entry or not. The recommended safety distance cannot be achieved when using a handheld thermometer. In fact, they can result in more infections! This makes the Access Control system ideal for use in buildings, trade halls, border controls, offices, shopping centers, or hotels, meeting the recommended safety guidelines for initial body temperature assessments. Even with a safety mask on, it can automatically detect one’s temperature. If the acceptable temperature is determined, the person is granted access. The system offers business
• Accuracy. The system can measure within a distance
• Speed. The data you gather is in real-time
• Easy implementation. Access control can be integrated into your existing door security system
The global pandemic has paved the way for ensuring more secure communities. It is now clear that this is of paramount importance. By following safety protocols, everyone can deal with this crisis quickly and help us live normal lives. To learn more about MVP Control System and its features, click here. You can schedule a Free Demo from our Sales staff.
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